Monday, December 9, 2019

Game Theoretic Model Predictive Control †

Question: Discuss about the Game Theoretic Model Predictive Control. Answer: Introduction During the course of the event planning, the usage of the database for storing the data acts to be the most important part of the event planning of the organization. The event that is to be progressed requires the data that is required for the functioning of the event too be stored which increases the efficiency of processing of the event. The event that is to be performed will be benefitted due to the fact of storing data will ensure that there is no lagging of the data that might be required for providing proper servicing of the event in multinational companies. This report will discuss about the advantages of maintaining a data base of the company. This report will also provide the literature review of the benefits that the organizations will enjoy due to the methodology of having the data base to the latest edition of data possible. This report will also provide the literature review of the problems that will be faced by the organizatoins during the management of the event if the data base is not structured in an efficient framework. The problem caused in the traditional means of data storage are that the data that is stored by the traditional data storage technique are that the requirements are not found in case of finding the data that has been entered long time ago. The traditional data storage platforms have been suffering due to the fact that there are security issues of the data that are being stored in the traditional method are not up to the mark and the data can be accessed by the imposters without any hindrance coming in their way of performing the crime. To avoid the unauthenticated access to the data by the imposters without keeping any instance of the access being made by the imposters. The data once lost can never be recovered unless proper data base is maintained by the third party organizations. The data related to the old information that are stored in the databases can be found only in case of the proper data storage functioning in the latest versions of the data base. This unauthorized access t o the database causes the leaking of data of the clients that harms the clients. The problems that are recovered with the usage of the data base is that it prevents the database to receive the enhanced updates that the company of the platform provider provides. With passing time, the passwords that are applied in the database gets weak in nature and the vulnerability of the database increases. The database that has not been updated, lacks the identity of the database as the database requires the audit of the database to stay updated in order to function in an efficient manner. The major problem statement is that the difficulty in the storage of the data for a prolonged time. Benefits of using the data base According to Arulraj, Pavlo Dulloor, (2015, May), to maintain the data base to its most efficient stature of storing the data in a relevant platform is the best solution to the problem. This storage of the data requires a healthy infrastructure of the organization to maintain the basic initiation process of the updating process. According to Stephens, Smith Mahanti, (2015), with storing the data base regularly the performance of the event management by the third party company gets better by minimum of 10%. This better and efficient functioning of the computing devices leads to the efficient execution of the task that is to be completed by the client. The storage of data in a database fastens the networking acticity by 40%. Coronel Morris (2016) in their book stated that with the increase in the speed of the processor, the computing system can perform much more extensive jobs that the processor did support previously. According to Dbarre, Hauert Doebeli, (2014) with the increase in the speed of the computing device the performance of the networking system increases which in turn increases the production from every computing system present in the organization. This increase in the production of each single device results to a mass [increase in terms of the production of the organization annually. Ji Findling, (2015), in their book stated that with the aspect of updating the data base one of the most important benefit is security of the system. The security of the system largely depends on the stature the data base is at the present. The security provided by the data base to the data that is stored in the data base is due to the robustness of the framework of the database. This disables the cyber criminals to modulate the retrieved data in order to which they have retrieved illegally without the concern of the genuine clients of the data base. Protection from the software issues According to Kadam Onkar, (2015), the data base protects the software from the glitches that generally concern the software that are not stored in the latest version of the database. The framework of the data base is considered to be essential for the proper working of the are the firewall and the operating system. Again according to Arulraj, Pavlo Dulloor, (2015, May), the fire wall acts as a protection of the data base that prevents the data base from getting attacked by the Trojan viruses. The bugs are also the main reason from which the data base must be protected in order to gain the data that is stored in the database in modulated. The data stored faces the problems due to the bugs that harm the data stored which can be prevented by storing the data in the data base with a proper infrastructure of the system. The infrastructure that are used in the database are robust enough to protect the data that is stored in the database from the Trojan viruses that tend to affect the dat a in case of teh data getting stored in the traditional database. The new versions of the data base that enter the market are proof from the bugs that affect the previous versions of the data base. Recommendations For saving time during planning, an event constrains methodologies namely: - Development of a system A specific system must be designed by the organization that will conquest the necessities of the client. The necessities of the event must be recorded in the system and the marking criteria of the event must be present in the system which will act as the reference for the processing of the event. Prepare a to do list A to do list can be prepared by the organization that has to be performed in the course of the task. The deadline to perform the task can be set before starting the project. The project can have a fixed deadline to get completed that acts as the reference for the organization to progress with the work of the event. This reference time line helps in completion of the project in accurate timing. The estimated time line also enables the organization to provide an expected time that is required for the completion of the project. The completion of the project is most viable to meet the deadline of the project if the progression of the project is made according to the reference that is set for the task. The delivery of the product is made in time. Hence usage of the database is recommended for the efficient functioning of the organization. Using of Project Management tool The usage of project management tool enables the organization to prepare the list of deliverables that are to be performed. This project management software enables the organization to fix the dates for the task. The project management tool helps in setting the dates according to the holidays that are present in the upcoming weeks in which the project will be performed. The working hours for each day can be set differentially in the project management tool. This helps in calculating the working hours of the entire event which makes the proceeding of the event more precise. The hours once calculated makes the definition of the job more elaborative in nature. The elaboration in the task enables the event manger to get the proper idea of the number of employees that will be required to complete the event in time. Budget planning The budget of the project must be fixed before starting the project. this fixed budget enables the organizing committee to get a gross amount of expenditure that will be required for the completion of the project. This budget finalization helps the organization to fix the budget of the entire project that helps in informing the clients to get an access to the cost tat will be incurred in the completion of the project. this methodology will ensure that the organization will not need to ponder upon the clients frequently for the alteration of the budget, which decreases the goodwill of the organization. This methodology is performed with the help of storing the data in the data base which helps the organization to gain the ideas and the required references that will be used for the market planning. Research Methodology The research methodology that is used in the processing of the project is the Quantitative methodology. The methods that are taken by the researchers in order to proceed in the functioning of the project. The methodology of proceeding in the project is completely dependent on the identification of the research areas for the progress in the project that leads to the evaluation of the individual in terms of the physical nature and the manual involvement of the individuals with the topic that is taken under consideration. Quantitative research methodology fails to describe the human expression regarding the particulartopic but the evaluation of the topic with regards to the mass of individuals casting their reviews on a particular topic finds ease in the Quantitative research, which is the major reason of the usage of this methodology. The data that are gathered contains information that include the solicit measurability of the data that is provided by the mass. The data that are gained from the quantitative research methodology is standardized and the data is tested from the evaluation of the mass. The data that are provided by the quantitative research methodologies are more reliable than the data that is acquired from the qualitative form of data collection. The data that are acquired using the technique of Quantitative data is represented in the forms of graphs, tables or figures that represents the evaluated data that has been acquired from the mass by taking surveys from the individuals and plotting the average database. The issues that are caused due to the lack of upgrading of the database of the computing device are as follows: - Security Issues The main problems that the database faces due is the security of the database. As days passes by the infrastructure of the database weakens that causes ease for the cyber criminals to get access to the data of the clients (McMillan, Rodrik Verduzco-Gallo, 2014). Deprived from enhanced features In case of the database not being updated for a long period causes the data base to stay aloof from the latest updates that the software company provides for the efficient functioning of the project. The efficiency of the database decreases due to the outdated versions of the database that makes the database obsolete. Bugs Data that are stored in the database are vulnerable to the bugs that are present in the internet throough which the data of the database is accessed (Silva, Dutilh Edwards, 2016). Reduction in cost The data which is ever increasing for an multinational company the storage of the data requires a lot of storage space. The initial investment of installing a database helps the organization in storing of unlimited data of the company with just the initial installing cost of the database. Data Interpretation The storage of data in the database has been the reason behind the lessening of the cyber-attacks on the data base of the clients. The rate of cyber-attacks has decreased by 31% since the last decade (MacWhinney, 2014). According to a survey taken among 50 multi-national companies, it is concluded that with the help of storing the data in a data base of the industries, the revenue that is spent on the department of storage facilities is reduced by 13% annually (Silva, Dutilh Edwards, 2016). The increase in using of the database for storing data in multinational companies have increased significantly since the last 15 years (Wrench, 2017). Conclusion From the above report, it can be concluded that the storage of the data in the infrastructural database acts as one of the most important aspects of maintaining a data. To keep the data protected from the imposters the data must be stored in a database with sufficient robustness of the framework. The data tends to be destroyed in case of lack of usage of the data for a long period of time. The survey that has been conducted also proves the importance of the updating of the data base system. Data base are created to store information of specific institution or organizations. In case of not updating the data base the space in the data base will finish very fast which will not allow the new data to get stored in the data base. In case of updating of the data base the data that are stored previously are replaced the new data automatically which causes the recycling of the storage space of the data base which reduces the cost of the data storage of the organizations. Reference Arulraj, J., Pavlo, A., Dulloor, S. R. (2015, May). Let's talk about storage recovery methods for non-volatile memory database systems. InProceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data(pp. 707-722). ACM. Coronel, C., Morris, S. (2016).Database systems: design, implementation, management. Cengage Learning. Dbarre, F., Hauert, C., Doebeli, M. (2014). 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